Monday, November 15, 2004

Photos posted...

Just posted....RAT on Photos by Community House to the right. Enjoy!

This post is dedicated to Ryan Henry...

Friday, November 05, 2004


We got it! Or Steve got it, I should say. Last night....he caught the rat. We've been battling with this creature since September I think. He's been alluding all of our efforts to snag him. But last night Steve had put the cage in a new spot in the basement, put some granola inside, and the rat couldn't resist. So this morning we're all carrying Ryan's stuff out to his car so he can leave for Dallas and Steve comes running up the stairs yelling 'I got it"! (...yes, yelling...this gentle, quiet man was actually exciting!) How fitting that the beast is captured right before Ryan leaves. A happy ending to his stay at Community House. Photos will be posted on the fotopage as soon as I can get them off the camera...slight snag there. Tonight, those of us left in the convent will celebrate. This is a milestone for Community House!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


More goodbyes....Cat left this morning. Ryan leaves on Friday. Cat to New Hampshire and Ryan back to Texas.

It was a quiet, loving, community send-off for Cat this morning. A gray and rainy morning. Matt Murray, Elizabeth Herron, and the Havens joined our household for morning prayers at 7:00. Others trickled in .... Julie Thompson, the Rains family, Kenny O, Aaron and Sarah and Chloe....Kevin remarked the atmosphere was like a funeral and he felt he should have brought a covered dish. It was a bit somber. Not really a happy occasion, yet in some ways it is a celebration. A celebration of how Cat became a loving and vital part of our family. She shared our laughter and tears. She loved our children as her own. She blessed us with her gifts of faith and perseverance and encouragement, and left them behind with us to share with others. We celebrate with joy the year she lived with us, and we look forward to her visiting with us again and telling us about the new chapter she's now beginning in her God led her to through her time with us. We're all thankful to have Cat in our family...she'll always be one of our "kids". So we all stood in the rain and waved good-bye as she tearfully got in her car and drove down the road.

And on Friday we'll repeat this for Ryan....because we love him, too. He also has shared his gifts of wisdom, responsibility, thoughtfulness. He's shared his struggles and listened patiently to ours. He's offered words of encouragement, prayers of blessing, and always been willing to do whatever has been asked of will be hard to let him go as well. Yet we are blessed to have shared this moment in his life, and will continue to be blessed as he's now a permanent part of our family.

Interns will come and go. That's the plan. Come live with us for a period of time, learn from us, teach us, share life with us, enrich us....then take what they've learned to share with others, and we'll take what we've learned and pass it on to more interns. Yet we remain in the body of Christ. Thanks be to God.