Sunday, October 23, 2005


Autumn has definitely arrived. It was 80 degrees one day last week, then the next day it was only inthe 60's. Trees are changing colors, leaves are dropping. The house is chilly .... time to service the boiler and get the heat turned on. Changes in the season and changes in life ....

Kim and Matthias left for Germany a week ago ... just before the weather changed. I think this marked the finality of the "wedding season" and moved Dave and I into what's next for us. After a few days of feeling sad because it's finally all over, we're now looking toward the future. We're both trying to reestablish routine in our lives ... morning and evening prayers, exercise, better eating habits, regular bedtime, sabbath, etc. We got a bit out of whack over the summer and early fall. We've been recognizing the lack of these routines, resulting in low motivation and spiritual fatigue. Now we're trying to renew our exercise in all of the practices we teach others about. It's time to shape up and move forward.

We don't yet know how the internship will shape up, but we do know that God is still using us and the convent. We continue working with the Northern Kentucky Vineyard, developing relationships and mentoring community group leaders. And we have activity beginning to build in the house. Desiree will be back to stay with us for a month or so in early November. We're hosting a retreat for a group from the Northern Kentucky Vineyard this weekend. We'll be going to Utah the first couple weeks of November to be on staff for another Pastor Sabbath Retreat ... helping Vineyard pastors refresh and regroup. Carrie will be home for Thanksgiving and it will be wonderful to spend some time with her. Jon just finished his last cross country season and we're enjoying time with him during his senior year. There's a young family coming to stay with us for a week in late November, wanting to experience some of this community life. And we hope to travel to Germany for the Christmas holiday.

So though we're still hibernating a bit, enjoying this quieter time in our life, we have our eyes open for single folks who might be a good fit for the convent during this season of transition. We also have our arms open for folks who need a place to go for a day or a weekend, perhaps even a week, to retreat and be quiet with God for a bit. We're still watching, praying, listening ... feeling warm even though it's chilly outside, and basking in God's peace.


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